The Missing Piece Read online

Page 13

  Suddenly, Kenneth answered for her, as if he couldn’t wait to get in a little dig at Jason.

  “Your mother is buying me a car for my birthday. She is so amazing. I am such a lucky man.”

  Dina flushed, highlighting the faint sprinkling of freckles across her nose. “I want you to have it, so that’s the end of that,” she said.

  Jason kept eating without comment. He didn’t even ask what kind, which rankled Kenneth just enough that he told them anyway.

  “We’re going to look at Aston Martins. I’ve always had a fancy for a British-made car, and those suit me.”

  Jason nodded, and even though it was killing him not to comment, he never looked up.

  Edward, oblivious to the sidelong glances and studied silences at the table, picked up the conversation.

  “Jason, where are we on revealing the news of Carter’s disappearance?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m going to phone Chief Forsythe this morning to see if he’s planned a news conference yet. I want to be there to issue a statement on behalf of the corporation.”

  “Good idea.” Edward nodded. “The news should settle the rumors and ease up on the falling stock prices.”

  “That would be my hope.”

  “If a time is settled on for today, do call home and let us know. I’d like to listen to it,” Edward said.

  “Of course I will,” Jason told him as he continued eating.

  Dina and Kenneth excused themselves first and left the room.

  Edward soon gave up on his coffee toast and opted to go outside in the back courtyard and get a bit of sun. He mentioned that he thought he’d heard lawn mowers running earlier, and he did enjoy the scent of freshly cut grass.

  That left Jason to finish up alone, which suited him fine. He got up to refill his coffee and served himself another couple of bacon slices to finish the meal.

  By the time Edward came in from outdoors, Jason was gone. The room was empty, the dishes all cleared away, and he was ready for a morning nap on the daybed in his room, beneath a soft throw of Dunleavy plaid.

  After everything else that was going down today, Jason had canceled his appearance at the proposed luncheon that was supposed to be today and was going back into the office to tie up a few loose ends. His. phone rang as he was driving. He took the hands-free call while negotiating around a wreck at an intersection.

  “Hello, Jason speaking.”

  “Jason, this is Chief Forsythe.”

  “Chief, I was going to call you as soon as I got to the office, but you beat me to it.”

  “Oh, are you in traffic? I can call back,” Forsythe said.

  “No, I’m fine. Hands-free calling, you know.”

  “I guess,” Forsythe said. “I’m no good with all that new technology. Look, the reason I’m calling is I’m setting up a news conference about Carter’s situation. I’d like you to be there, as well. I’m sure the press will have questions that you’ll be better suited to answer. I understand the delicacy of what’s going on with this, and wasn’t sure how you wanted to proceed.”

  “Yes, I’d like to be there. What time have you set aside, and where is it going to be held?”

  “I’m thinking eleven o’clock this morning, on the courthouse steps. That gives us a better angle for the cameras if they’re below us, and it’s easier to see reporters’ hands up for questions.”

  “Obviously, you’re on top of how to set up a news conference to focus on what needs to be said. I’ll get there ahead of time. Shall I meet you in the courthouse lobby?”

  “Yes, that will be perfect, and we can walk out together from the front doors. See you then.”

  Jason disconnected with a tap of his finger and glanced at his dashboard clock. He’d only have about an hour at the office before he’d have to leave again. But this time he shouldn’t be gone long. Work was piling up and he hated to fall behind.

  And—of course—because Jason was in a hurry, traffic delayed his morning drive. He ended up taking a different exit just so he could get out of the snarl of angry drivers and speeding vehicles, and was still winding his way through city streets when his cell phone rang again. He tapped his Bluetooth to take the call before he thought to see who was calling.

  “This is Jason,” he said shortly.

  “Darling, it’s me! Are you on your way to work?”

  Jason sighed. Shit.

  “Yes, actually I am, and I’m in something of a hurry, sorry to say.”

  “That’s perfect, then. We can chat during your drive without interrupting your day. I called to tell you I think I’ve found the perfect dress. I’m so excited.”

  “Perfect dress for what?”

  She giggled. “Our wedding, you silly.”

  Jason’s gut knotted. He’d let this get completely out of hand.

  “Look, Miranda. We date. We’ve never talked about marriage. You talk about marriage. I did not give you an engagement ring. I did not propose. You’re moving out of my comfort zone here.”

  There was a long moment of silence, and then another giggle, a halfhearted one.

  “Oh, well, silly me. Then enough about shopping. Is there any news about Uncle Carter?”

  Shit again. He was not her “uncle Carter.” Jason felt like telling her about his uncle right now. She was in Italy, so it wasn’t like she could go shout it in the streets before the news conference. Maybe if he did, she wouldn’t have an excuse to keep checking in about Carter’s disappearance.

  “Actually, Chief Forsythe and I will be having a news conference later this morning, and with good news. But that’s all I can say until an official announcement is made.”

  Miranda squealed in his ear. “That’s wonderful! I won’t press you for more, but I’m going to take this as very good news, and be grateful you shared it with me. I’m always in your corner. I don’t want to be a bother, my love. I’ll say goodbye and I’ll see you soon. Since I jumped the gun on a bridal wardrobe, I’ll be coming back a little sooner than planned. See you then. Love you much.”

  Jason ended the call with a frown and gave himself a talking-to. “I guess I’m going to have to give up good sex for the sake of my peace of mind. It’s not a discussion I look forward to having, but I started it, so I’m the one who’ll have to end it.”

  * * *

  Whenever Chief Forsythe called a news conference, it always stirred all kinds of speculation as to why, but considering the continuing mystery about Carter Dunleavy’s disappearance, most of the gathering media were guessing it had to do with that.

  They were all at the foot of the courthouse steps, getting microphones set up and making sure they had a good view of the podium where the chief would stand to speak. One of the later-arriving news vans pulled up and began unloading equipment. A cameraman shouldered his camera for the live feed.

  It was ten minutes to eleven when news began to spread through the gathering crowd that someone had seen Jason Dunleavy going into the courthouse through a side entrance. The news solidified their suppositions. This was about Carter Dunleavy. But was the news good or bad?

  * * *

  Jason called home to let his family know the news conference was being aired at eleven, and then got out of his car and headed into the building. Chief Forsythe was in the lobby when Jason appeared, and smiled as they shook hands.

  “This is one news conference I’ll be happy to hold,” Forsythe said. “Good news is rare in my business.”

  Jason grimaced. “And a blessing for us. We were beginning to fear all hope was lost, but we never would’ve dreamed the answer would be something like this.”

  “I can only imagine. So, how far are you going to go with the revelation?”

  “Uncle Carter said tell the truth. He said maybe it’ll force the guilty party’s hand in one last-ditch effort and he’ll get himself caught.”

/>   The chief nodded in agreement. “This is going to open a whole new can of worms for us, but if that’s what it takes, we’re behind you one hundred percent. I’ll make the announcement and then turn it over to you to add details. Okay?”

  “Okay. Let’s get this rolling. Obviously, it’s not a pleasant subject for our family. Everyone is tense, and the staff is uncomfortable and silent around us. No one knows quite how to approach this. Maybe once I get this said, the knot in my stomach will go away,” Jason said.

  The chief gave him a thump on the shoulder, and then they were on the move. A couple of uniformed officers walked out ahead of them, and as Chief Forsythe and Jason Dunleavy exited together, they were soon flanked by a half-dozen detectives from Missing Persons. Off to the side, but included in the group, was Detective Cristobal, who’d been the lead on the case.

  The hush that came over the crowd as the men descended the steps made Jason even more anxious, but if this—the one thing he could do for Uncle Carter and the family—brought justice, it would be worth it.

  Chief Forsythe was imposing as he stepped up to the podium. He adjusted the microphone to his height, cleared his throat and then looked up and out at the crowd. There were far more people gathered than just media by now. Watching him, Jason couldn’t help but wonder if the person or persons they sought were standing in that crowd.

  And then Forsythe began.

  “Thank you for coming, and I’m going to make this brief. Due to combined efforts of the police department for the city of Denver, including Detective Cristobal of Missing Persons, who was lead on the case, and Private Investigator Charlie Dodge, who was hired by the family a few days ago to aid in our search, I am happy to announce that Carter Dunleavy has been found and is alive and well.”

  The crowd cheered. Cameras were rolling and Forsythe held up his hand for silence.

  “I am now going to turn the dais over to Jason Dunleavy, who has more to add to the story, so please hold your questions until he finishes.”

  Jason stepped up as the chief moved aside. He had a speech he’d prepared, but he’d already decided that reading what he had to say would lessen the impact. He wanted to be looking into the cameras focused on his face, counting on those responsible to learn that their little reign of terror was coming to an end.

  “Good morning,” Jason said. “Before I start, I want to take this time to thank all the people who’ve sent notes to our family, who’ve posted positive messages to us on social media and who have been praying for my uncle’s safe return. The fact that he’s alive and well was such a wonderful message to receive, and when he finally called me, and I heard his voice, I knew it was the truth.

  “But there’s a very startling, even horrifying reason he disappeared so abruptly, and it’s something he hadn’t shared with anyone. Not even us, his family. Carter Dunleavy ran because someone is trying to kill him. And the reason he didn’t let anyone in on this is because he firmly believes the person responsible lives or works under his own roof. He hid because he no longer knew who he could trust.”

  The gasps of disbelief were followed by shouts from the media, asking to be recognized. Questions were being thrown at him from all sides, but Jason stood within his own silence until he was calm enough to speak in a civil tone.

  Finally, he pointed at one of the journalists in front. “You, ma’am, in the blue suit.”

  “Katie Powers from the Denver Post. How will the rest of this investigation proceed? Is Mr. Dunleavy going to stay in hiding, and is your private investigator going to be part of the ongoing case?”

  “My personal dealings with Mr. Dodge came to an end when he found my uncle, which is what I hired him to do. However, it is my understanding that Uncle Carter has asked Mr. Dodge to stay on the case on his behalf.”

  Jason pointed to another journalist and then another and another, each time answering without giving anything away, and when the question finally arose as to exactly what attempts had been made on Carter’s life, he stopped the questioning.

  “I’m not going to divulge any further information about an ongoing investigation. My family thanks you, and I thank you for appreciating just how intensely these accusations have affected us. I ask for your continued support and prayers for my uncle until this nightmare has ended.”

  Then he stared straight ahead, into the cameras down below him. “Make no mistake. You will be caught. You will be brought to justice, and no mercy will be shown to any others involved.”

  Questions were still coming at him as he turned away from the bank of microphones, shook hands with Chief Forsythe, then had a private word and a handshake with Detective Cristobal before going back up the steps and into the courthouse.

  Chief Forsythe ended the conference with one last thank-you and followed Jason’s retreat.

  * * *

  Buddy Boy Pierce caught a news flash, while he was having a late breakfast at a little diner, that Chief Forsythe would be holding a news conference at 11:00 a.m. today, and that it was regarding the disappearance of Carter Dunleavy. That was less than an hour and a half away, and it was something he didn’t want to miss. As soon as he finished his food, he drove back home to watch.

  He was ready and waiting when it began—and when it was over, he was more rattled than he wanted to admit. He’d felt that face-to-face warning from Jason Dunleavy. And the fact that the PI found Carter so quickly when the police hadn’t meant he was damn good at his job.

  And now, knowing that Carter had just hired him to find the people behind the attacks made Buddy feel damn vulnerable. Yes, he’d once cut a brake line, and he’d cut him off in traffic a couple of times in hopes he’d wreck. But none of those actions would lead Carter to believe it was someone in his household. Buddy was beginning to wonder what the hell else was going on inside that castle that he didn’t know about. He had his contact there, but as far as he could tell, that contact was not culpable in any attacks. And Buddy didn’t count on being blamed for stuff he didn’t do. He was still in a quandary when his cell phone rang.


  “It’s me, calling to tell you that Jason Dunleavy just—”

  Buddy interrupted. “I saw it all. What I want to know is, who the hell else is working this besides me?”

  “I don’t have a clue what—”

  The denial hit Buddy wrong. “Bullshit!” he shouted. “I’m not stupid. Nothing I did would give Dunleavy the idea that it was someone under his roof. I’m done with this and with you. I don’t want anything more to do with this. I don’t want that hotshot PI from Dallas on my trail. I’m out.”

  “You can’t—”

  “Yes, I can, and I just did,” Buddy said and disconnected.

  * * *

  The remaining Dunleavys were still gathered around the television in the media room, humiliated that their family drama was being played out in such a public forum. Dina began wondering if she would be judged by the friends in their social circles, and Kenneth was concerned on Dina’s behalf.

  Edward had no concerns as to how he would be viewed. Most of the world had forgotten he existed.

  The house staff had gathered in the kitchen to watch, as had a couple of gardeners.

  Once, they’d been proud of working at the castle and being part of the extended service that kept the Dunleavy family in the luxury into which they’d been born. But now, because of this, there was a level of shame and distrust aimed at all of them. Until the guilty were found and arrested, every member of the staff was a suspect.

  Several of the women were in tears. The men were red faced and silent. And when the conference was over, they all looked at each other, nodded cordially and went about their business.

  Only one in the group was long past nervous and drowning in guilt. Why did I let myself become involved? No matter what happens now, my life is over.

  * * *

staring at the back of Wyrick’s bald head for the better part of thirty minutes, Carter Dunleavy finally fell asleep.

  Wyrick was all business. She took a bottle of water Charlie quietly offered and drank her fill before handing it back.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “No problem,” he said, then leaned against the headrest and closed his eyes, thinking about seeing Annie again. He opened them once when they hit a little air pocket, but one glance at the stoic expression of Wyrick’s profile, and he relaxed.

  He had expected the flight to take longer, but when she began contacting the control tower at Dallas International Airport to request landing instructions, he realized they were nearly home.

  Carter roused when the chatter from tower to pilot began and he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked out the side window. He’d seen Dallas from the air plenty of times, flying in and out because of his businesses, but he’d never spent one moment of his life in someone else’s home. It had always been hotels, meeting rooms, conference rooms in big buildings. The fact that Charlie Dodge had extended the safety and comfort of his own home wasn’t lost on Carter. He’d just met him, but he had a feeling that one day they were going to become fast friends.

  And while Carter was thinking about friendship, Charlie was thinking about his car in airport parking, and wondering if he should have suggested Carter disguise himself in some way. Suddenly Wyrick’s voice was in his ear.

  “There’s a small brown bag behind my seat. It has some things you might suggest Carter use to disguise himself until you get him home.”

  Charlie stared. “I was regretting I hadn’t thought of that sooner. Once again, you have my back. Remind me to give you that raise.”

  He distinctly heard Wyrick snort. “I don’t need a raise. Hand him the bag and see what you two can figure out. I’ll be leaving you both on your own as I take my chopper back to the hangar, and believe me, that thought is not encouraging.”